MARMITE fun literary salon #2
a journey into the sence of smell
20 June 2017 7pm~8.30pm
Once a month Caroline and Lalie invite literature, poetry, theatre and good words lovers to gather in the comfort of Charbon Art Space. Please join us with the envy to debate, play, tremble, laugh and listen according to the days. Alternatively in English and French, these meetings will be hold on Tuesdays, once a month (program and themes available on Facebook and on www.charbonartspace.com). Free entrance, RSVP on info@charbonartspace.com

MARMITE # 2 (in English)
A journey into the sense of smell
Join us for a sensual and fun evening of games and poetry dedicated to fragrance and to the refined art of smelling. Let's escape sometimes confused words : leather, lavender, incense, jasmine, cherry... every smell opens infinite paths for the memory and for the imaginary.
"Like long echoes that intermingle from afar, the perfumes, the colors, and the sounds respond."*
*extract from Baudelaire, Correspondances
Free admission. Everyone is welcome.
RSVP here
is a blending of literature, theatre, experimentations and youkulele, together with a heavy taste for discussion, sharing and a serious need for unfettered imagination.
Stir, explore, cook on low fire once a month
on Tuesday evenings, and spice it up
with any last moment inspiration.
Instantly consume after defrosting.